
Auburn Public Library Public Restroom ADA Improvements Project

  1. Capital Improvement Projects
Public Works

ES/PW Complex

4277 Wire Rd, Suite 300

Patrick Slaughter

Patrick Slaughter


Project Overview New Facilities Renovations or Improvements

The scope of this project includes all necessary planning, design, and construction associated with bringing the Auburn Public Library into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The projected renovations include demolition of all of the existing fixtures, surfaces, and stalls, and installation of new fixtures, surfaces, and stalls such that the restroom is in full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The project is part of the City of Auburn's Auburn 2020, and CompPlan 2030.

Please note that project completion dates are subject to change based on weather and other conditions. Project anticipated finish dates may not coincide with actual day of opening.

Library restroom renovations expected to begin April 15th


  1. Design
  2. Bid Advertisement
  3. Contracts
  4. Construction

The front restrooms are complete and open for use. Sheetrock work in the Children's Restroom Area is complete and wall tile work is underway.​
